About the Instructor:

The instructor Mr. O’Connell, holds board certification as a bilingual (Spanish/English) environmental health and safety professional (CSP) and is a credentialed instructional trainer (CIT) per the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP), and FEMA.  Daniel provides regulatory training and equipment operator certification to construction, general industry, transportation, maritime, and industrial worksites throughout North America.  As an experienced heavy equipment operator and instructor, O’Connell provides training that targets accident prevention and the protection of people, environment, and property (PEP).

Reservation Policy:
All course tuition fees payable in advance to hold a training date.  Once tuition is paid, SAFETRAN will issue a confirmation via email.  Equipment training classes require employers to be responsible for providing safe and suitable mobile equipment during training.  SAFETRAN conducts site and equipment specific safety training per OSHA regulation.

Cancellation Policy:
All cancelled or postponed training will be credited to the client for a future class.  Reservations for training are based upon availability (first come-first serve).  SAFETRAN provides a credit memo in lieu of refund.


Occupational Safety Instruction and Operator Certification


Powered Industrial Truck (PIT) Operator Instruction

All Terrain-Forklift, and MEWP

Duration: 4-8 Hours *

This course provides the professional operator with a clear understanding of the unique characteristics and challenges to operating a Class 7 (all terrain) construction type forklift and/or mobile elevating work platform (MEWP).  Requirements for safe operation include calculating the load chart, boom angle, and machine level indicators prior to lifting a load.  Some lifts incorporate all wheel drive with telescoping booms capable of cargo placement at high elevations.  This course is taught by a certified instructor with specialized experience using these types of construction lifts and elevated work platforms.  Our in-class training consists of written, verbal, digital, and multimedia teaching methods. All practical training is conducted onsite by certified instructors utilizing decades of professional operator training experience. All classes are designed to increase safety, motivation, and productivity. SAFETRAN Training enables operators to protect personnel, property, and equipment.

Note:  Maritime / Longshoring PIT Training is a separate and exclusive course, specific to Top Handler and Side Pick type powered industrial trucks (PIT).

* Contingent upon operator’s (actual) experience and ability on the equipment

Chainsaw Operator Safety Training
Duration: 4 Hours

A brief injury prevention course for chainsaw operators, emphasis on common occupational hazards for industrial chainsaw use, review of terminology, PPE, first aid, safe refueling, fire prevention, and safe practices checklist for chainsaw operator safety.

Confined Space Hazard Awareness (Level 1)
Duration: 4 Hours

This course is the entry level awareness training specifically designed for persons required to work in or around confined space.  Emphasis during this training is hazard recognition, pre-entry control, using an atmospheric detector, and special personal fall protection devises such as full body harness, tripod & winch, secondary backup line, basic respiratory protection and how to recognize symptoms of exposure to toxic or flammable materials.  All trainees will enter an actual confined space during the morning session, learning how all the tools and equipment is used on the job.  Afternoon session will take you into the classroom to get an inside look at what makes a confined space dangerous.  Blended training sessions are part of all SAFETRAN instruction events.

Confined Space Attendant / Supervisor (Level 2)
Duration: 8 Hours
Prerequisite: Completion of Confined Space Training (Level 1)

This course is specially designed for persons required to fulfill the roles of confined space attendant or supervisor.  The focus is on Cal-OSHA standards identified in Title 8 §5156-5158.  Each Attendant and Supervisor course has a didactic and hands-on portion covering the functional responsibilities of the attendant (hole-watch) and supervisor.  Special emphasis on confined space entry permits, pre-entry hazard analysis (JHA), equipment cache inventory, inspection of equipment prior to initiation of entry, hot work permits, and other pertinent documents and forms used for confined space entry.

Confined Space Competent Person (Level 3)

Duration: 8 Hours
Prerequisites: Completion of Confined Space Training (Levels 1 and 2)

This course is specially designed for persons required to fulfill the roles of confined space competent person. The focus is on Cal-OSHA standards identified in Title 8 §5156-5158 (GISO), and §1956-1962 (CSO) .  Each Competent Person course is trade specific, and has a didactic and hands-on portion covering the functional responsibilities and duties of competent persons. Special emphasis on program operations, oversight of PPE, organizational documents, including permits, and other pertinent forms used for confined space entry in industry, transportation, and construction.

Confined Space Rescue Tech (Level 4)

Duration: 40 Hours
Prerequisites: Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certification, and
Confined Space Levels 1 & 2
This class is designed specifically for emergency response and rescue personnel


This 40-hour comprehensive confined space rescue tech course provides instruction and hands-on training for the company or agency rescue responder.  Emphasis on developing competencies for confined space rescue and emergencies related to heavy industry, semiconductor, public agency, water service, and construction operations. Class will include the evaluation of hazardous atmospheres and physical hazards found in manufacturing, utility district, construction, and heavy industrial environments. Practical evolutions will enable the competent rescuer to determine adequate levels of personal protective equipment (PPE), the correct selection and type of ventilation, air sampling, mechanical retrieval, and/or rope rescue systems to employ.  Training identifies techniques for hazard identification and control via realistic rescue scenarios to develop a working understanding of stated responsibilities established by NFPA-OSHA, to safely conduct confined space rescue operations.  Fire service teams, tactical, police or military rescue squads with prior working experience (Life Rescue) and basic confined space training (required).  

Excavation-Trenching Hazard Awareness
Duration: 3 Hours

This course is designed to familiarize workers with the known and predictable hazards of excavation and trenching operations. Training topics include, overview of the basic Cal/OSHA regulations, entrant responsibilities, use of PPE, safe access/egress, cave in prevention skills and more.

Excavation-Trenching Competent Person 
Duration: 4 Hours

This course is designed to comply with Cal/OSHA CSO section 1541 for excavation and trenching operations.  Training topics include, overview of the OSHA regulations, notification and utility marking, hazard recognition, competent person responsibilities, inspection requirements, atmospheric monitoring, safe access, cave in prevention, soil analysis, surcharge loads, review of OSHA trenching tables, surface encumbrances, and subsurface facilities, basic air monitoring skills and more.

Fall Protection Authorized Person
Duration: 4 Hours

This course is designed to be in compliance with OSHA Subpart M, 29 CFR 1926.500, CCR Title 8, §1670, and ANSI Z359 standards, and is intended for those workers required to work at height or in elevated locations.  This blended (regulations / practical) training offers new insights into fall protection and the basis of the new ANSI Standard.  Full Body Harness and a Fall Protection equipment overview (demonstration) provided by a knowledgeable instructor with decades of fall protection experience in technical rescue, construction and general industry.

Forklift Operator Certification 
Duration: 4-8 Hours

This course is designed to meet the new site and equipment specific training per Federal and State-OSHA requirements. Therefore, these classes must be held at your work site to meet the “Site Specific Training” requirement.  All forklift training courses include training certification documentation and operator’s photo wallet cards.  In-class training consists of bilingual written, verbal, and multimedia teaching methods. All practical training is conducted onsite by certified instructors utilizing many years of professional forklift operator training experience. All classes are designed to increase safety, motivation, and productivity to protect people, the environment, and property (PEP).

To book your next training class call SAFETRAN today: 510.894.0229

SAFETRAN Protects Our Client’s Assets  24/7/365 since 1999